A Born Loser Becomes A Winner

October 25, 2020   /   Restoration Fellowship Church of Lakeland

A Born Loser Becomes A Winner

I Chronicles 4:9-10

Pastor Terry Wilcox

One Hebrew scholar proposed three reasons not to study Chronicles:

  1. Too long
  2. First nine chapters
  3. It is a rehash of Samuel and Kings

However – two verses in chapter four have changed millions of lives.



Dr. Leslie Allen says verse nine is “deliberately .”

In popular thinking so negative a name, which commemorated the hard time his mother had in giving birth to him, made Jabez a born loser.

Has someone given you a “bad name?”  Jesus  reputations.



Consider the Four Parts of Jabez’s Prayer:

  1.  Verse 10 – “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me…'”
    In the biblical sense “to bless” is to ask for or to impart God’s .
    Don’t miss the  factor.
    How can we , if God doesn’t first ?

  2. Verse 10 – “Oh, that you would enlarge my territory.”

    As God’s chosen, blessed sons and daughters, we are expected to attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed…unless God steps in.
    -Bruce Wilkinson

  3. Verse 10b – “…let your hand be with me…”
    People who experience the miraculous hand of God are not the people who .

    II Corinthians 9:9-11
    “The hand of the Lord” is biblical terminology for God’s  in the lives of his people.

    Matthew 28:19-20
    Acts 1:8
    Ephesians 5:18

  4. Verse 10b – “…keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain..”
    a.  out of .
    b. Pray for  the enemy’s traps.


Today, will you commit with me to:


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