Prevagen® For Your Soul

December 3, 2023   /   Restoration Fellowship Church of Lakeland

Prevagen® For Your Soul
I Corinthians 11:23-26
Pastor Terry Wilcox

Take a minute and remember when…
· Some form of ‘remember’ is used 250 times in the Bible.
· Most of our holidays (ancient & modern) are about remembering.
Proverbs 10:7; Philippians 1:3

Shabbat – day of rest, reflection, worship
Rosh Hashanah – celebration of creation & the new year
Yom Kippur – prayer, confession, atonement
Sukkot – booths or tabernacles, celebrate the harvest
Simchat Torah – rejoicing in the Torah
Hanukkah –  dedication, rededication of The Temple 164 B.C.
Purim – celebrates escape from genocide (Ruth)
Passover – freedom from slavery

I Corinthians 11:23
Questions have been raised as to whether the emblems actually become the very blood and body of Jesus, whether they are means of dispensing grace, or whether they are only a symbol or witness to grace.

Remember Who You Are In Christ and That Through His Blood We Are:

  1. We are  out of the hand of Satan.  Psalm 107:1-3
  2. We are  continuously from sin.  I John 1:7
  3. We are  and made righteous through faith.  Romans 5:9
  4. We are , made holy, set apart to God.  Hebrews 13:12-13
  5. We are free from the fear of  and .  Romans 8:1-2
  6. We are healed of sickness, disease, and .  Isaiah 53:5
  7. We are forgiven and all our sins are forgotten.  Ephesians 1:7

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