What’s Lacking?

February 9, 2025   /   Restoration Fellowship Church of Lakeland

What’s Lacking?
 Mark 10:17-23  |  Pastor Karl Moore

  1. Mark 10:17-23
  2. Names for the different generations
    1901 – 1924  Greatest Generation
    1925 – 1945  Silent Generation
    1946 – 1964  Baby Boomers
    1965 – 1980  Gen X
    1981 – 1996  Millennials
    1997 – 2012  Gen Z
    2013 – 2024  Gen Alpha
  3. Romans 3:23
  4. I Corinthians 12:4-8

The Universal Question

Mark 10:17

  1. He came to the right .
  2. He came at the right .
  3. He came with the right .
  4. He came with the right .
  5. He came with the wrong .

    Oliver Anthony

The Universal Problem

Mark 10:21

  1. Not giving .
  2. But giving .

The Universal Solution

Mark 10:22

  1. He had .
  2. He had .  Luke 18:18
  3. He had .  Matthew 9:22

And yet He was lacking something in his quest for eternal life.

This young man walked away empty…but there is good news.
Jesus looked at him and loved him.
Ezra 10:2

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