The Why and How of Servanthood

January 3, 2021   /   Restoration Fellowship Church of Lakeland

The Why and How of Servanthood

John 13:14-17
John 1:40-42

Pastor Terry Wilcox

Why Be A Servant?

  1. Jesus says you will be .
  2. Real  depends on servant leadership.
  3. Jesus was a servant and His  is .

Andrew’s ministry reveals these insights:

  1. The value of .
  2. The great value of . (Matthew 25:20)
  3. God values our .

Five Principles for Those Who Serve:

  1. is more important than .
  2. Being  is more important than being .
  3. is more important than good . (1 Corinthians 13:5)
  4. You don’t lose by being a .
  5.  There is always room for one .

We Grow in Three Ways:

  1. The 
  2. Fellowship with believers
  3. Through 

Only one life, it soon will be passed, only what’s done Christ will last.


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