Own Your Own Stuff
April 21, 2024 / Restoration Fellowship Church of LakelandOwn Your Own Stuff
Luke 14:15-24
Pastor Terry Wilcox
The setting: Luke 14:1
What Jesus did is a reflection of who He is. Hebrews 13:8
The parables of Jesus have been called, “The of God.” Luke 14:16 – “…a certain man” is .
Is the “Kingdom of God” something yet to come or something now?
- These people were not .
- They all offered lame .
We do this to shield ourselves from the . - The deadliest addiction is hiding from the truth about .
It shuts out all . - Understanding God’s is the key to and .
This parable reveals both God’s grace and .
Today’s “love feast” is an opportunity to recognize our need and accept God’s .