Is It the Spirit or Your Efforts?
November 21, 2021 / Restoration Fellowship Church of LakelandIs It the Spirit or Your Efforts?
Galatians 3:1-6
Pastor Terry Wilcox
J.B. Phillips translated Galatians 3:1, “Oh you dear idiots of Galatia…who has been casting a spell over you?”
New English Bible, “You stupid Galatians! You must have been bewitched.”
The picture painted by the Greek word proegraphe is such, that the crucified Jesus is a to us.
Two concepts in Galatians 3:2 central to the gospel:
Holy Spirit and hearing with
- Holy Spirit (mentioned 18 times)
Romans 8:9
John 3:5-6
I Corinthians 12:12-13The challenge of teaching on the Holy Spirit is that of communicating publically that which is an intensely personal experience.
Three Truths About the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit is not to be confused with increased .
Paul emphasized human with the Holy Spirit. - Christian is a .
“Conversion is the beginning of an ongoing process of ‘little’ conversions in which the different dimensions of our characters are converted, changed, and born anew to the Christ-life.”
-Dr. Maxie Dunnam - Paul insisted there is diversity of gifts.
I Corinthians 12:4-11
Ephesians 5:18
· Verb “be filled” (pleroo means to take control of) as be controlled.
· In Greek the mood is imperative = a .
· In Greek present tense = .
· In Greek passive voice = . “You” is not the actor. God (the Holy Spirit) is the .
· In Greek the verb is plural = includes .
Titus 3:4-7
Personal Notes