Are You Eating Well?

June 4, 2023   /   Restoration Fellowship Church of Lakeland

Are You Eating Well?
Pastor Terry Wilcox

Psalm 23:5 & John 6:32-35

For the last eight weeks Danielle has been in the hospital or a skilled nursing facility and I have often been asked this question by caring people.


Psalm 23:5 – The metaphor of God as our shepherd changes to God as the host of a dinner where the believer is the guest. The table is in the middle of a
   The amazing fact of the feast is  !

Exodus 25:8-9
Exodus 25:28-30

In the Gospel of John, seven times Jesus says, “I AM.”

John 6:35
John 8:12
John 10:7
John 10:11
John 11:25
John 14:6 
John 15:1

Jesus is the heart changer, and it is a changed heart that leads to   .

The analogy of earthly bread and heavenly (spiritual).
The difference is the ability to  .

Ordinary bread cannot sustain life in the presence of , whereas the Bread of Life sustains life .

Bread is a  of God, then and ! John 6:32
   Notice “given” and “gives.”

Full or Hungry?

  1. Choose Jesus   and .
  2. to the table regularly.
  3. good. – I Peter 3:15-17
  4. Tell others your .

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