July 23, 2023   /   Restoration Fellowship Church of Lakeland

How Much Are You Worth?
Pastor Terry Wilcox

Matthew 13:44-46

How much are you worth…if you’re the judge in a wrongful death case and the deceased is 20 years old?
30 years old and an attorney?
35 years old and a homemaker with three children?


  1. Matthew 13:44 – “The kingdom of heaven” = It is both now and the future.
  2. Matthew 13:44 – “treasure” In those times…symbolic of salvation?
  3. Matthew 13:44 – “a field”
    The Land and the Book author William Thomson tells of workers digging in Sidon, in a garden found two copper pots filled with gold coins.
  4. Matthew 13:44 – “a man” at work with wisdom and joy.
  5. Matthew 13:45 – “kingdom of heaven”
  6. Matthew 13:45 – “a merchant with a passionate goal
  7. Matthew 13:46 – “a pearl of great value” = ??


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