Strength In Stormy Times
October 13, 2024

Strength In Stormy Times II Thessalonians 2:13-3:5 |  Pastor Terry Wilcox God’s choice – II Thessalonians 2:13-14 NLT Charles Spurgeon said, “he was glad God chose him before he was born, because nobody would want him after he was born.” Knowing that God chose you is a great source of strength. “Fir …

“I Will Come Back” Jesus
October 6, 2024

“I Will Come Back” Jesus II Thessalonians 2:1-12; John 14:3 |  Pastor Terry Wilcox Be careful what you believe. II Thessalonians 2:1-2 Jesus’ coming will be preceded by apostasy and the anti-Christ. II Thessalonians 2:3-5 NKJV Apostasy means rebellion. Jesus quoted the Old Testament 180 times. What …

Endurance Depends On Faith and Hope
September 29, 2024

Endurance Depends On Faith and Hope II Thessalonians 1:1-12 |  Pastor Terry Wilcox One more time – II Thessalonians 1:1-4 Learn from how faith grows (because you’re going to need it) Love is also to increase They were patiently enduring Greek “hupomone” communicates activity: as in using the trial p …

Living the Community of Faith
September 22, 2024

Living the Community of Faith I Thessalonians 5:12-28  |  Pastor Terry Wilcox Regarding leadership – I Thessalonians 5:12-13 a. Those who work among you b. Those in authority – same Greek word as in Romans 12:8 c. Those who admonish, in Greek put in mind Correction in the community – I Thessalonians …

The Second Coming of Jesus
September 15, 2024

The Second Coming of Jesus I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11  |  Pastor Terry Wilcox What about believers who die before He comes? I Thessalonians 4:13-18 a. To the Hebrew all of history was divided into two stages: the present and the age to come.     ”The Day of the Lord” will mark the beginning. b. The T …

Paul Needed Friends…and So Do We
September 1, 2024

Paul Needed Friends…and So Do We I Thessalonians 3:1-13  |  Pastor Terry Wilcox Paul was “A man of steel and velvet” His effort to strengthen their faith and encourage their hearts – I Thessalonians 3:1-4 ”Encourage” is translation of the Greek “parakeleo” which was used by Jesus John 14:16 I Thessa …

The God of Little
August 25, 2024

The God of Little Mark 6:41  |  Pastor Dan Bystrom He took it. He must have all of it – that’s where miracle start. The most decisive thing is to give Him absolute monopoly of our being. He gave thanks and blessed it. When He blesses, He infuses divine power. Ephesians 1:8 tells us He lavished us wi …

The Biggest Thing God Ever Did
August 18, 2024

The Biggest Thing God Ever Did Acts 1:4; 4:29-31; John 3:16  |  Pastor Jon Betz Greatest Things God Ever Did Sending His Son to redeem us. (MULTILINE) Loving us to forgive and save us. (MULTILINE) Choosing to include us in His plan and purpose. (MULTILINE) Conclusion: What do we need to do? (MULTILI …

O God, Give Us Trustworthy Leaders
August 11, 2024

O God, Give Us Trustworthy Leaders I Thessalonians 2:1-20  |  Pastor Terry Wilcox Imagine being Paul. Acts 16:16-17:9 There is opposition to “God’s gospel.”  I Thessalonians 2:1-2 Regardless of Satan’s opposition, people will receive the truth. I Thessalonians 2:1, Acts 17:4-5 Tests for the truth.   …

Do We Have A Choice?
August 4, 2024

Do We Have A Choice? I Thessalonians 1:4-10  |  Pastor Terry Wilcox How Do You Balance the Sovereignty of God Versus Our Free Will? God chose the Thessalonians.  I Thessalonians 1:4 Election, predestined, foreknew, and whosoever will have sparked debates for centuries. a. Adoption is the gracious ch …

An Introduction to Thessalonians
July 28, 2024

An Introduction to Thessalonians I Thessalonians 1:1-3  |  Pastor Terry Wilcox The first of Paul’s 13 letters, written in 50 A.D. Thessalonica was Therma due to hot springs. In 315 B.C. Alexander the Great renamed it. It was referred to as the bridge between the East and the West. I Thessalonians 1: …

Taming the Emotional Rollercoaster
July 14, 2024

Taming the Emotional Rollercoaster Judges 6:1-10  |  Pastor Terry Wilcox Context: Judges 6:1-10 This is major, considering Exodus 20:2-4 Everyone experiences fear. Judges 6:14 Does it make a difference if God is sending you? God makes a promise. – Judges 6:16 Gideon responds with worship. – Judges 6 …

Independence Through Proclamation
July 7, 2024

Independence Through Proclamation Habakkuk 3:3-15Pastor Terry Wilcox On July 4th, Americans celebrated their actions to proclaim their independence from Great Britain. God’s past actions proclaim God’s deliverance. – Habakkuk 3:3-7 God’s future actions predict His coming. – Habakkuk 3:8-15 Halleluja …

Faith Versus Pride
June 30, 2024

Faith Versus Pride Habakkuk 2:2-20 Pastor Terry Wilcox “The just shall live by faith” is written four times in scripture: Habakkuk 2:4 Romans 1:17 Galatians 3:11 Hebrews 10:38 Habakkuk 2:4-8 The Babylonians’ pride was insidious. God contrasts pride with “living by faith.” Pride is self-reliance and …

A Divine Moment
June 2, 2024

A Divine Moment Luke 8:41-48 Rev. J.R. Hutchinson When Man makes contact with God….that is a Divine Moment in our life. Some Divine Moments ·In the Beginning…..Creation ·The Burning Bush ·The Word became Flesh ·The Baptism of Jesus ·The Day of Pentecost ·The Resurrection of Jesus ·The Ascension …

Loss & Restoration of Spiritual Prosperity
May 26, 2024

Loss & Restoration of Spiritual Prosperity James 4:1-10 Pastor Terry Wilcox Perhaps the earliest of the New Testament letters, written by Jesus’ brother James (A.D. 48) Causes of Lost Spiritual Prosperity – James 4:1-5 The battle within us – James 4:1 Greek word hedon is often translated lust. H …

Judgement and Restoration
May 19, 2024

Judgement and Restoration? John 8:1-11 Pastor Terry Wilcox Background: All Jewish men were to be in Jerusalem for Passover; Pharisees were determined to hang on to their power; Jesus was a threat. Why Jesus came: John 3:17; I Peter 2:24 The Story John 8:2 – The people wanted to be with Jesus. John 8 …

Do You Think This Works Today?
May 12, 2024

DO YOU THINK THIS WORKS TODAY? Ephesians 5:21-33 Pastor Terry Wilcox REASONS FOR DIFFICULTIES Society’s emphasis on self-fulfillment. The pace of our culture. Spirit of materialism. Things and experiences receive the highest priority. Lack of connection. Tweets can’t cut it. Culture can’t define wro …

Am I Free To Do That?
May 5, 2024

Am I Free To Do That? Galatians 5:1-6 Pastor Terry Wilcox All the great things are simple, and many can be expresesd in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.  -Winston Churchill I believe that political freedom, civility, demonstrations without destruction, freedom to speak with …

Winning When Tempted
April 28, 2024

Winning When Tempted Ephesians 6:10-18 Pastor Terry Wilcox Two Factors in Battle Power Strategy Three Areas We Are Attacked The Devil attacks our spirit. The world attacks our soul. The flesh attacks our body. Winning Strategies For the Devil, resist with scripture. For the world, our love for God. …

Own Your Own Stuff
April 21, 2024

Own Your Own Stuff Luke 14:15-24 Pastor Terry Wilcox The setting: Luke 14:1 What Jesus did is a reflection of who He is.  Hebrews 13:8 The parables of Jesus have been called, “The autobiography of God.” Luke 14:16 – “…a certain man” is God. Is the “Kingdom of God” something yet to come or somethin …

What He Does For You
April 14, 2024

What He Does For You Zephaniah 3:17 Pastor Dan Bystrom Repent means to                                   and                                      He saves us His                                for His                                         . As a Christian your life has                             …

Changed By Grace
April 7, 2024

Changed By Grace Titus 2:11-14 Pastor Jon Betz Past – Thank God for Grace – Titus 2:11 Present – Holy Living – Titus 2:12 Future – Glorious Eternal Kingdom – Titus 2:14   Conclusion – Notice Titus 3:3-5 – What a change!

Consider the Uniqueness of Jesus
March 31, 2024

Consider the Uniqueness of Jesus Luke 24:13-32 Pastor Terry Wilcox Unique means one and only, without equal. A.D. = Latin Anno Domini = in the year of our Lord. B.C. = before Christ. Why is Jesus like no other? He is God’s Son. I John 4:9; I John 5:18 No other religion makes the bold claim that God …

You Can’t Surprise Jesus (He May Surprise You)
March 17, 2024

You Can’t Surprise Jesus (He May Surprise You) Mark 10:32-34, 46-52 Pastor Terry Wilcox Nothing about Jesus’ torture, death, and resurrection surprised Him.  Isaiah 52:13-53:12 – written 700 years before His crucifixion.   a. He knew the scriptures and He had divine knowledge as God in the flesh.   …

Why Keep Keeping On?
March 10, 2024

Why Keep Keeping On? Acts 20:17-25 Pastor Terry Wilcox We are all getting older and many of us are confronted with the health issues of aging. Paul was on his third mission and was going to Jerusalem Paul wanted to go to Jerusalem. a. The passion of his heart was the message of saved by grace throug …

Law Givers and Grace Givers
March 3, 2024

Law Givers and Grace Givers John 8:1-11 Rev. J. R. Hutchinson Introduction We have two representatives and one sinner. The representatives are scribes and pharisees. The sinner happens to be a woman supposedly caught in adultery. As then, so today in the church world we have lawgivers and grace give …

Change Is Necessary
February 18, 2024

Change Is Necessary I Samuel 2:12, 17, 22-25 Pastor Terry Wilcox The leaders of Israel would not change; therefore, God changed the leaders. The people would not change; therefore, the story of chapters 4-6. Observations from I Samuel 4 Philistines attacked because of Israel’s apostasy. Israelites k …

Worse Than Me?
February 11, 2024

Worse Than Me? I Timothy 1:12-20 Rev Karl Moore Introduction A. I Timothy 1:12-20 B. The two best teams play tonight C. May dispute in comparison to your team! D. Today three areas of comparison we have with the Apostle Paul. Enter into life as sinners. – I Timothy 1:13 A. Nasty argument – blaspheme …

Unwelcomed Mercy
January 28, 2024

Unwelcomed Mercy Jonah 3 & 4 Pastor Terry Wilcox In Hebrew , Jonah is “Yonah” meaning “dove.” Commentators debate if Jonah is fictional, parable, fable, allegory, or historical fact. Jesus references Jonah in Matthew 12 & 16. Mercy is God’s love, kindness, and compassion to people. The ruins …

Effective Stewardship Requires Prayer
January 21, 2024

Effective Stewardship Requires Prayer Jonah 2:1-10 Pastor Terry Wilcox “Steward” is often used in scripture in reference to Christians. “Oikonomous.” Prayer is communication with “the Lord your God.” Hebrews 11:1 Hebrews 11:6 Now the real Christian is in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit, and  the Holy Spiri …

Why Was Jonah Swallowed?
January 14, 2024

WHY WAS JONAH SWALLOWED? Jonah 1:1-17 Pastor Terry Wilcox Stewardship is about what we do with what God has given to us. I Corinthians 4:2 (NIV & NKJV)    Steward is from the Greek word oikonomous, which is from the noun, “house” and the verb arrange. At the core, Jonah’s disobedience is a stewa …

Why Give?
January 7, 2024

Why Give? II Corinthians 8:7-13 Pastor Terry Wilcox Tithing is giving a tenth. IN SCRIPTURE THERE ARE THREE FORMS OF TITHING Tithing as an agreement (covenant) between God and peopleLeviticus 27:30-33 Numbers 18:21-26, 31 Deuteronomy 14:22-29 This plan has been replaced by our new agreement (covenan …

The Danger In the Manger
December 24, 2023

The Danger In the Manger II Samuel 7:1-11 NKJV Pastor Terry Wilcox As for a house in which to reside, David, that house is you! Luke 7:20-21 NKJV The danger in the manger is that we romanticize the most revolutionary event in history. Galatians 2:20 NIV The danger in the manger is that most people a …

In the Fullness of Time
December 17, 2023

In the Fullness of Time Galatians 4:4 Pastor Jon Betz My Lord and Savior came, and Jesus is His name! God’s prophecies fulfilled, and being fulfilled Jesus came as a baby in a manger (manifested). Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.  Luke 2:52 Jesus came to be Prophet, Pr …

Finding Encouragement In A Discouraging World
December 10, 2023

Finding Encouragement In A Discouraging World Joshua 1:6-9 Pastor Joel Rissinger BIG IDEA: God’s courage is en-couraging! Merriam-Webster – encourage: to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; hearten. She was encouraged to continue by her early success. b: to attempt to persuade : urge. They encour …

Prevagen® For Your Soul
December 3, 2023

Prevagen® For Your Soul I Corinthians 11:23-26 Pastor Terry Wilcox Take a minute and remember when… · Some form of ‘remember’ is used 250 times in the Bible. · Most of our holidays (ancient & modern) are about remembering. Proverbs 10:7; Philippians 1:3 Shabbat – day of rest, reflection, worsh …

Jesus Spoke to Everyone
November 20, 2023
John Smith

This is a sermon about Jesus and his disciples getting into a ship and going to the other side. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.

What Scares You?
November 19, 2023

What Scares You? John 17:21-23 Pastor Terry Wilcox Fear is a great motivator, and also a great paralizer. John 17:21-23 Proverbs 1:7 Proverbs 31:30 Deuteronomy 6:13 Proverbs 2:11 II Corinthians 5:11 Proverbs 25:14 Godly fear is not to be scared of God and pull away from Him, but to be terrified of b …

Why Be Baptized?
November 12, 2023

Why Be Baptized? Matthew 28:18-20 Pastor Terry Wilcox Biblical examples a. Jesus – Matthew 3:11-17; Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21 b. John the Baptist c. The Disciples d. Believers of the early church Because of what it means a. Jesus’ death – Romans 6:3 b. Jesus’ burial – Colossians 2:12 c. Jesus’ resurrectio …

Three Critical “W’s” – Part II
November 5, 2023

Three Critical “W’s” – Part II I Chronicles 13:1-4; 13:7-12 Pastor Terry Wilcox God’s will, God’s way, God’s when. God’s will (last week) – they missed it, Uzzah died, David in anger and fear, Ark elsewhere. God’s way – I Chronicles 15:2, 13-15, 22 John 14:6 a.  They violated God’s specific way – De …

Three Critical “W’s” – Part I
October 29, 2023

Three Critical “W’s” – Part I I Chronicles 13:1-4; 13:7-12 Pastor Terry Wilcox To enjoy God’s best we must know: God’s ,God’s and God’s . I Chronicles 13:1-4, I Chronicles 13:7-12 The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.   -Franklin D Roosevelt Proverbs 1:7 There are 200 verses that tell us t …

God Uses Imagination to Change Us
October 15, 2023

God Uses Imagination to Change Us I Samuel 30:1-8; 16-20 Pastor Terry Wilcox What we see in our imaginations hugely effects what we achieve and who we become. A crisis can come between us and God. It begins to cast a shadow of doubt and fear, which causes us to stop moving forward in faith. The real …

Knowing When God Speaks
October 8, 2023

Knowing When God Speaks I Samuel 30:1-8 Pastor Terry Wilcox Abithar the priest – I Samuel 30:7 He escaped Saul and Doeg’s massacre at Nob. Traveled with David and was his friend. The ephod Elaborate or simple, it was standard for priests. David embarrassed his wife, Michal, by publicly wearing an ep …

Keys To A Joyful Life: Turn Around, Don’t Drown
September 3, 2023

Keys To A Joyful Life Part 3 – Turn Around, Don’t Drown Pastor Terry Wilcox “The vineyard of the Lord Almighty is the nation of Israel, and the people of Judah are the vines he delighted in. And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress.” Isaiah 5:7 The …

Keys To A Joyful Life: Abiding
August 27, 2023

Keys To A Joyful Life Part II – Abiding Pastor Terry Wilcox John 15:1-8 John 15:1-8 Life is our most precious possession and each day, each of us is either wasting, spending, or investing our lives. John 10:10 God’s will is that we live “abundantly.” Throughout history “the vine” has been a symbol o …

Is My Faith Adequate?
July 30, 2023

Is My Faith Adequate? Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 13:31-32 I’m often asked, “How is Danielle? Is there progress?” The people of Jesus’ day wanted God’s Messiah to rule. Matthew 13:34 indicates that, unlike the parables of the treasure and the pearl, this one was addressed to “the crowd.” Some believ …

July 23, 2023

How Much Are You Worth? Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 13:44-46 How much are you worth…if you’re the judge in a wrongful death case and the deceased is 20 years old? 30 years old and an attorney? 35 years old and a homemaker with three children? DEFINITIONS Matthew 13:44 – “The kingdom of heaven” = I …

Divine Appointments
July 9, 2023

Pastor Al Stewart Ephesians 5:15-17 As a believer, everywhere we go, and everywhere we meet, everyday, is for a specific purpose! Every day, ordinary people do extraordinary things. Acts 2:43 Jeremiah 10:23 Proverbs 24:30-34 II Kings 20:16-19 II Chronicles 16:9 Personal Notes

A Hard Truth
July 2, 2023

A Hard Truth Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 13:14-51 God’s call on my life is anchored in Matthew 25; I Corinthians 1:27-29; and II Corinthians 5:14-15 Matthew 25:35 Matthew 25:46 The Truth About Hell Matthew 13:47-51 Everyone will be judged by God Hebrews 9:27-28 Paul wrote about those who deny the go …

What’s Following You?
June 25, 2023

What’s Following You? Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 23 When the Lord is your shepherd, his love surrounds you now and forever. The love of “The Good Shepherd” is a love that pursues, and a love that welcomes. Love that pursues – Psalm 23:6 The author, David, had a life plagued with trouble. I believe Ps …

Are You Eating Well?
June 4, 2023

Are You Eating Well? Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 23:5 & John 6:32-35 For the last eight weeks Danielle has been in the hospital or a skilled nursing facility and I have often been asked this question by caring people.   Psalm 23:5 – The metaphor of God as our shepherd changes to God as the ho …

Who Are You Having Dinner With?
May 21, 2023

Who Are You Having Dinner With? Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 23:1-6 “The Hebrew Bible is the most influential book in history and constitutes the bedrock of western civilization.”  -Alfred Moses, US lawyer and former ambassador. $38.1m Sheep won’t lay down if: They are afraid. If there is tension or fr …

Does Jesus the Shepherd Satisfy Your Needs?
May 14, 2023

Does Jesus the Shepherd Satisfy Your Needs? Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 23:1-6, I Peter 1:2-3 “Pennsylvania Dutch” help wanted ad: $100 per month and “everything found”?? Deuteronomy 2:7 Nehemiah 9:19-21 We have been told that money is power. We have been told that knowledge is power. We have been tol …

Wouldn’t You Rather Be a Bear?
May 7, 2023

Wouldn’t You Rather Be a Bear? Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 23:1-6 Seeing the Lord as my shepherd positions me as a sheep. Bears are stronger and more able to take care of themselves. Are independence and self-reliance a good thing or a myth? The Bible refers to “sheep” 577 times. Sheep information: Ps …

The Cause of Christ In One Word
April 2, 2023

The Cause of Christ In One Word Pastor Terry Wilcox Luke 23:32-49 Matthew 22:36 Matthew 25:37-40 Luke 23:32-43 What was the crowd thinking? Luke 23:47-49 When Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, he said, “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, n …

Is Intimacy With God Possible?
March 26, 2023

Is Intimacy With God Possible? Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 63:1-8 From Oxford Languages: close familiarity or friendship; closeness Psalm 23:1-3 – God shows me the way, so I can rely on God. Psalm 27:1-3 – God gives me the courage, so I can risk for God. Psalm 63:3-5 – God displays His power and His l …

What’s a Blessed Attitude?
March 19, 2023

What’s a Blessed Attitude? Pastor Terry Wilcox Genesis 12:1-3 God gave Abraham incredible instructions followed by an incredible promise. The promise is two-fold: God would bless Abraham. Abraham being a blessing to others. 0.20% of the world’s population – 22.4% Nobel laureates Luke 6:12-13 Then Je …

How Can I Know God’s Will?
March 12, 2023

How Can I Know God’s Will? Pastor Terry Wilcox Proverbs 3:1-10 Two Basic Facts God has plans for us. Ephesians 2:10, 2 Chronicles 16:9, Jeremiah 29:11 He says he will tell us. Psalm 32:8, Psalm 73:24   Two Facets of His Plan The written will of God. The unwritten will of God. Principles to Foll …

How You Can Feel Secure
March 5, 2023

How You Can Feel Secure Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 6:19-34 JESUS TALKS OF TWO TYPES OF TREASURES Earthly treasures They are endangered by: a. Moths b. Rust c. Thieves Heavenly treasure – I Timothy 6:17-19 a. Trusting in God b. Doing good deeds c. Sharing generously JESUS SAYS OUR TREASURE IS CONNEC …

The Key to Everything
February 26, 2023

The Key to Everything Pastor Terry Wilcox I Corinthians 13:1-7 Two Facts About Love Love is a matter of choice. Colossians 3:14 Would God tell us to “put on” something we could only feel? Love is a matter of actions. I John 3:18 How Love Acts Love is patient.  I Corinthians 13:4 Ephesians 4:2 Love i …

Use It or Lose It
February 19, 2023

USE IT OR LOSE IT Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 25:14-30 Talents = copper, silver, gold, abilities, or opportunities. Main issue of this text is accountability. All we have is a gift from God. – Matthew 25:14-15 Ashamed or boastful indicates the same problem. Proverbs 22:4 Matthew 18:4 Fulfillment is …

What Do We Do With Suffering?
February 12, 2023

WHAT DO WE DO WITH SUFFERING? Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 128:1-6 The Hebrews had a perspective from Job. He was tested, continued to trust God, and was restored. FOUR RELIGIOUS VIEWS The stoical champion of personal determination. Buddhism – more than 400 million followers. Nirvana – a transcendent s …

How Can We Be Born Again?
February 5, 2023

How Can We Be Born Again? Pastor Terry Wilcox John 3:1-21 Nicodemus, “a man of the Pharisees.” Pharisees were elite theologians dedicated to studying and living out every detail of their religious laws. What Jesus Tells Us It is a must. John 3:3 It is a work of God. John 3:6 Others experience it. Jo …

How to Live a Christlike Life!
January 29, 2023

What Is Your Number One Priority? Pastor Joel Rissinger Philippians 2:5-11 Galatians 2:20 BIG IDEA: If we do the four things Jesus did when he became one of us, we will succeed as Christians! In brief, this means we must think, give, serve, and obey like Jesus. Learn to think humbly – don’t chase or …

What Is Your Number One Priority?
January 22, 2023

What Is Your Number One Priority? Pastor Terry Wilcox John 21:15-17; 21-22 The restoration of Peter required heart surgery. John 21:21 – “more than these?” Friends, boats, fish, home? Perhaps, do you love me more than the others? The context is chapters 18-21. Matthew 26:33 The Triple By-Pass John 2 …

How God Defines Success
January 15, 2023

How God Defines Success Pastor Terry Wilcox Numbers 20:6-12 God’s faithfulness is well-established! But what of our faithfulness to him? Numbers 20:6-12 The first emphasis is God’s amazing grace to Moses and the Israelites. The second emphasis is that we cannot be complacent or casual about God’s gr …

Where Should We Start
January 1, 2023

Where Should We Start? Pastor Terry Wilcox Genesis 1:1-2 Our world is suffering the “religion” written about in “The Humanist Manifesto I” of 1933 and “The Humanist Manifesto II” of 1976 Today science is accepted as the gospel and the Bible is regarded as an ancient irrelevance. God is not at odds w …

The Unsung Christmas Hero
December 18, 2022

The Unsung Christmas Hero Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 1:18-25 A hero is a person admired for their courage and/or their nobility of character. (Matthew 1:18-25) A biblical perspective on being a hero: Romans 15:1-2 An explanation of: “pledged to be married” (Matthew 1:18); “Joseph, her husband…” ( …

His Dad Was God
December 11, 2022

His Dad Was God Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 1:17-18   Periods in History Abraham to David David to exile in Babylon Captivity to Jesus Hebrews memorized and passed on their history. Knowing where you come from, why you are here, and where you are going is critical to a joyous, productive life. …

Those Forgiven Much, Love Much
November 20, 2022

Those Forgiven Much, Love Much Pastor Terry Wilcox Luke 7:41-43 Review context Luke 7:36-50 The woman’s actions were considered outrageous. Luke 7:47 TPT Romans 3:22-24 Jeremiah 17:9 Mark 7:20-22 Three Take-Aways Gratitude is the great motivator of love. James 1:17 Luke 7:42-43 Simon’s basic problem …

But Lord, That’s Not Fair!
November 13, 2022

But Lord, That’s Not Fair! Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 20:1-15 This parable follows Peter’s question in Matthew 19:27 A “worldview” cries not fair. A “Kingdom view” sees that the benefits of the Kingdom of God are the same for all who embrace the generosity of the King. This parable addresses Peter’ …

Parable of the Sower
November 6, 2022

Parable of the Sower Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 13:1-23 Does God Talk to You? “God whispers in my delights, speaks in my problems, and shouts in my perplexities.” One truth is clear – God intends that His communications be expressed in my character and my actions. To understand parables – note the …

Prayer Alone Is Powerless
October 30, 2022

Prayer Alone Is Powerless Pastor Terry Wilcox Revelation 3:19-20 Is prayer powerful? Prayer has been called “the breath of the soul.” a. Our diaphragm muscle and atmospheric pressure      Prayer released power, but God is the source of that power. b. Is there power without prayer?     In his marvelo …

A Man With a Message From Hell
October 23, 2022

A Man With a Message From Hell Pastor Jon Betz Luke 16:19-31 The Rich Man He lived and he died. Hebrews 9:27 He lived on in a place of torment.  =  Hades  (one of 3 Greek words used) He had had spiritual knowledge before his death. “Father Abraham”     “they will Repent” He could remember. He became …

Consider Prayer
October 16, 2022

Consider Prayer Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 6:5-13   Definitions: It is the first step to knowing Jesus. Romans 10:13 It is taking hold of God’s promises. Luke 11:1 It is reaching out to touch Jesus. Luke 8:43-48 It is complying with God’s plans. “In prayer you align yourself to the purpose and …

Where Are You Investing?
October 9, 2022

Where Are You Investing? Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 4:10-20 For 10-12 years, the Philippians had financially supported the ministry of Paul and he concludes this letter to them with gratefulness and a promise. Let’s quickly review: Matthew 25:14-30 Investing in God’s work results in joy. (Phili …

A Picture of Salvation
October 2, 2022

A Picture of Salvation Pastor Jon Betz Isaiah 55:1-13 KJV – “Divine Invitation to Return” NASB – “The Free Offer of Mercy”  NKJV – “An Invitation to Abundant Life” NIV – “Invitation to the Thirsty” NLT – “Invitation to the LORD’s Salvation”   I.  The  Sad Condition of The Sinner Isaiah 55:2-3 “ …

What’s Your Viewpoint?
September 18, 2022

What’s Your Viewpoint? Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 3:17-4:1 Your view is determined by where you stand. Philippians 2:5 Romans 12:2 In Philippians 3:18-19 Paul identifies God’s enemies and their future. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SECULAR AND BIBLICAL WORLD VIEWS A mind set on earthly values Philippi …

The Joy of Looking Forward
September 11, 2022

The Joy of Looking Forward Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 3:12-16 Philippians 3:12-16 “The good old days”?? It is the future that worries us! Matthew 6:34 Paul had another perspective: Joy results from “…straining toward what is ahead…” – v.13b Paul had a sanctified dissatisfaction – Philippian …

What Matters the Most?
September 4, 2022

What Matters the Most? Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 3:1-11 Chapter three begins with an abrupt change in tone. Chapter three is Paul’s declaration of what really matters to him. Philippians 3:7-8 Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open.  -Corrie …

Teaming Up: Partnering for Success
August 28, 2022

How to Have Joy While Living In This World – Part 6 Teaming Up: Partnering For Success Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 2:19-30 Two of Paul’s partners: Timothy and Epaphroditus Timothy (Philippians 2:21-22)   1. Interests of Jesus   2. Experience serving God         I Corinthians 15:33 Except for the …

August 21, 2022

How to Have Joy While Living In This World – Part 5 GI GO Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 2:12-18 Few things are harder to put up with, than the annoyance of a good example.  -Mark Twain Dr. Warren Wiersbe identified the issue like this: Admiration for a great person can inspire us, but it cannot en …

Unity Versus Uniformity
August 14, 2022

How to Have Joy While Living In This World – Part 4 Unity Versus Uniformity Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 2:1-11 Paul had great affection for the church in Philippi and wanted them to understand the source of joy. Philippians 2:1-4 Being united with Christ results in: encouragement, comfort, tende …

Making Real Progress
July 17, 2022

“Making Real Progress” Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 1:9-18 Paul prayed for their love, knowledge, and insight to increase. Philippians 1:9 Revelation 1:3 I Peter 2:2-3 II Peter 3:18 Become discerning. Philippians 1:10 Learning the difference between good and best. Being filled with righteousness. …

How to Get Happy
July 10, 2022

“How to Get Happy” Pastor Terry Wilcox Philippians 1:1-11 Philippians was a letter written by Paul and it is about AD 60. Paul started the church in Philippi about 10 years before. He’s writing from prison.  Happiness begins when you become Jesus’ servant. Philippians 1:1      a. Who do you do it fo …

The Ultimate Freedom
July 3, 2022

“The Ultimate Freedom” Pastor Terry Wilcox Revelation 1:4-8 In America, we celebrate Independence Day on July 4 because: Abigail Adams (1744-1818), was the wife of John Adams, the 2nd President of the United States of America, and the mother of the 6th President, John Quincy Adams. A letter from Abi …

Jotham, A Good King of Judah
June 19, 2022

“Jotham, A Good King of Judah” Pastor Terry Wilcox II Chronicles 27:1-9 A leader from days gone by, also a man with much in common with men today. Jotham 1. He was a man of great ability. 2. Both able and energetic. 3. Concerned for the interests of the people.     He saw the Temple as an asset to t …

What Shall I Do or What Shall I Be?
June 12, 2022

“What Shall I Do or What Shall I Be?” Pastor Terry Wilcox Galatians 5:19-26 Moving to California in 1983 introduced us to many new fruits and nuts. Galatians 5:22-26 Life in the Spirit is in contrast to life in the flesh. Galatians 5:19-21 Note the characteristics of life in the flesh is plural and …

How to Build Godly Character
May 22, 2022

“How to Build Godly Character” Pastor Terry Wilcox Jude 1:20-23 Modern Christians hope to save the world by being like it, but it will never work. The church’s power over this world springs out of her unlikeness to it, never from her integration into it.” In recent years research regarding beliefs a …

God Is Able to Keep You!
May 8, 2022

God Is Able to Keep You! Pastor Terry Wilcox Jude 1 Jude 1 Context: Written to believers. Jude 1:24-25 Purpose: That “mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.” Jude 1:2  Jude 1:24 – “To Him” “To Him who is able” Colossians 1:15-16 Jesus is the “him” who is able. Colossians 1:17 – “He is before …

Treasure Quest
April 24, 2022

Treasure Quest Pastor Richard Lauby Matthew 6:19-21   Find something solid. How? Treasure in heaven is something you do on earth…that will last for eternity. Build something solid in this life by building something solid for the next.   What do we have to work with? Time Opportunity Acti …

Is Your Hope Alive?
April 17, 2022

Jesus’ Journey to Resurrection – Part 6 Is Your Hope Alive? Pastor Terry Wilcox Luke 24:1-12 The Resurrection is the proof that Jesus Christ is God and that He keeps His word! At the center of the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus rose from the dead. Oxford dictionary:  faith is strong belief …

Failing Forward
April 10, 2022

Jesus’ Journey to Resurrection – Part 5 Failing Forward Pastor Terry Wilcox Mark 15:1-39 Let’s begin by noting the characters and their responses to Jesus: The Sanhedrin – Mark 15:1 Pilate – Mark 15:2-5, Mark 15:15 The crowd – Mark 15:8-14 The soldiers – Mark 15:16-25 The onlookers – Mark 15:29-32 T …

Power In Humility
April 3, 2022

Jesus’ Journey to Resurrection – Part 4 Power In Humility Pastor Terry Wilcox John 13:1-5 Jesus had power.  John 13:3 This is referred to as the Last Supper because it was Jesus’ last celebration of the Jewish annual celebration of the Passover. John 13:6-11 The Disciples considered the duties of a …

Jesus’ Generosity
March 27, 2022

Jesus’ Journey to Resurrection – Part 3 Jesus’ Generosity Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 14:13-21 Isaiah 58:7 & 10 Mark 8:34-37 We give ourselves and our resources back to God out of our gratitude for what he has given us in Jesus. Principles from Paul’s Instructions Give regularly  I Corinthians 1 …

Jesus Beat Temptation and So Can We
March 20, 2022

Jesus’ Journey to Resurrection – Part 2 Jesus Beat Temptation and So Can We Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 4:1-11 “the Holy Spirit led Jesus…” – this was part of God’s plan. Matthew 4:1 (Passion) – “Afterward, the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to experience the ordeal of testing by the ac …

Why Was Jesus Baptized?
March 13, 2022

Jesus’ Journey to Resurrection – Part 1 Why Was Jesus Baptized? Pastor Terry Wilcox Matthew 3:13-17   Jesus’ baptism is his first recorded event as an adult. All four gospel writers record it. John 1:31 (NIV) Matthew 3:5-6 (NIV) Matthew 3:11 (NIV) To baptize means to dip or immerse and refers t …

Friend Me?
February 27, 2022

FRIEND ME? John 15:9-17 Pastor Terry Wilcox In John Maxwell’s book, Be A People Person, he lists five qualities that draw him to other people: People who encourage him. People who appreciate him. People who forgive him People who listen to him. People who understand him. Jesus’ words from Matthew 7: …

Salt & Light
February 20, 2022

SALT & LIGHT Matthew 5:13-16 Pastor Terry Wilcox Jesus says, “You are the light of the world.” In the Bible, light is used as a symbol of holiness, goodness, knowledge, grace, hope, and God’s revelation. I believe Jesus’ use of salt and light are metaphors for influence. Both Matthew 5:13 and Ma …

Two Views of Stewardship
February 13, 2022

TWO VIEWS OF STEWARDSHIP John 12:1-11 Pastor Terry Wilcox FOUR GROUPS REPRESENTED John 12:2-3 – Martha, Mary, and Lazarus = devoted followers John 12:4 – Judas and other disciples = covetous John 12:9 – Large group of Jews = curious, show me John 12:10 – Priests = carnal and criticalMatthew 26:13 Lu …

Liberty, Love, and One Another
January 30, 2022

LIBERTY, LOVE, AND ONE ANOTHER Galatians 6:1-10 Pastor Terry Wilcox OPPORTUNITIES TO RESTORE THOSE WHO CALL… Matthew 23:2-4 “…with gentleness…” this is made possible by the Holy SpiritMatthew 5:44 John 15:12 II Corinthians 5:17-19 Galatians 6:2 It takes love and courage to approach a brother w …

Know God, Know Freedom; No God, No Freedom
January 23, 2022

KNOW GOD, KNOW FREEDOM; NO GOD, NO FREEDOM Galatians 5:13-15 Pastor Terry Wilcox The only source of real and lasting freedom is a relationship with Jesus Christ. America has been a beacon of freedom because many of our leaders and citizens understood and believed that the source of freedom is recogn …

Don’t Let Them Rob You
January 16, 2022

DON’T LET THEM ROB YOU Galatians 5:1-12 Pastor Terry Wilcox There are those who think the doctrine of grace is dangerous. Their concern is that grace replaces law with a license to sin. Antinomianism – from Greek anti, “against,” and nomos, “law.” Romans 3:21 Scripture and experience teach that good …

Children and Heirs of God
January 9, 2022

CHILDREN AND HEIRS OF GOD Galatians 4:1-20 Pastor Terry Wilcox In Paul’s letter to the churches in southern Turkey (Galatia) he is arguing for the incredible truth of God that we are saved by grace alone. We actualize God’s forgiveness by faith, but son-ship is God’s gift! John 3:6 John 1:12-13 If w …

God’s Timing is Amazing
December 26, 2021

GOD’S TIMING IS AMAZING! Luke 2:1-7 Pastor Terry Wilcox Christmas is about God’s timing – He has a plan and it includes you! Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Luke 2:7 refers to the humanity of Jesus. Galatians 4:4 refers to the divinity of Jesus. REASONS WHY MARY COULD HAVE THOUGHT – “BAD TIMING” Her marriage to …

He Had the Birthday, We Got the Gift
December 19, 2021

HE HAD THE BIRTHDAY, WE GOT THE GIFT Luke 2:14 Pastor Terry Wilcox The birth of Jesus the Savior is God’s greatest gift to humanity! Luke 2:14 – “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” KJV does not quite capture the message of the original Greek. Luke 2:14 NASV Luke 2 …

Use Your Heads
December 5, 2021

USE YOUR HEADS Galatians 3:15-29 Pastor Terry Wilcox The Christian faith is a logical faith. We need not fear science, history, or rational thinking. Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia (southern Turkey) was to address the confusion and division caused by those claiming that salvation is by gra …

Christian Faith Behind America’s Thanksgiving
November 28, 2021

Christian Faith Behind America’s Thanksgiving Psalm 100:1-5 Pastor Terry Wilcox Sam Adams, a member of the Continental Congress, drafted the First National Proclamation of Thanksgiving to be celebrated December 18, 1777. Some prior history illustrates the basis for it was faith in the God of the Bib …

Is It the Spirit or Your Efforts?
November 21, 2021

Is It the Spirit or Your Efforts? Galatians 3:1-6 Pastor Terry Wilcox J.B. Phillips translated Galatians 3:1, “Oh you dear idiots of Galatia…who has been casting a spell over you?” New English Bible, “You stupid Galatians! You must have been bewitched.” The picture painted by the Greek word proegr …

Why Would Peter Do That?
November 14, 2021

WHY WOULD PETER DO THAT? Galatians 2:11-21 Pastor Terry Wilcox What Peter did. Galatians 2:11-13 a. Previously agreed with Paul      Acts 15:5-11 b. Had been given a vision.      Acts 10:9-16 Why? Galatians 2:12 Proverbs 29:25 Two results of Peter’s actions: I.  It made him a hypocrite.  II. Influen …

The Apostles Endorsed Paul’s Message
November 7, 2021

THE APOSTLES ENDORSED PAUL’S MESSAGE Galatians 2:1-10 Pastor Terry Wilcox SIX CHAPTERS DIVIDED INTO THREE THEMES One and two are personal. Three and four are doctrinal. Five and six are practical. Galatians 2:1-10 PAUL WAS A BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTER   Galatians 2:1-4 – The Leaders a. Paul b. Barna …

Why Paul’s Credentials Matter
October 31, 2021

WHY PAUL’S CREDENTIALS MATTER Galatians 1:11-24 Pastor Terry Wilcox THREE SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE Our own experience. Experience of others. Devine revelation. PAUL PROCLAIMED REVOLUTIONARY TRUTH Ephesians 2:8-9 Galatians 5:1 Romans 3:22 Romans 3:28 Recap:  Paul writing to churches in Southern Turkey ad …

Peace Is Found In God’s Will
October 10, 2021

Peace Is Found In God’s Will Pastor Terry Wilcox Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT John 6:38-40 John 5:19 Reasons We Find Peace In God’s Will Our personal war is over. Romans 8:5-8 Philippians 3:18 II Corinthians 5:17-18 We find the road through the wilderness. John 14:5-6 There is peace in knowing the limitations …

God’s Ultimate Will
October 3, 2021

God’s Ultimate Will Pastor Terry Wilcox Author Leslie Weatherhead in his book, The Will of God, presents  the subject from three perspectives: God’s intentional will, God’s intended plan for His creation The will of God as impacted by circumstances by human choice God’s ultimate goal for His creatio …

Answers to Our Confusion About God’s Will – Part II
September 26, 2021

Answers to Our Confusion About God’s Will – Part II Pastor Terry Wilcox In reference to John 1:4, George MacDonald says,  In him is light, then why should we impart darkness to him? Romans 8:22-23 Attributes of God God is sovereign. God is eternal. God is omniscient. God is omnipresent. God is omnip …

Answers to Our Confusion About God’s Will
September 19, 2021

Answers to Our Confusion About God’s Will Matthew 18 Pastor Terry Wilcox Parable of the lost sheep – Matthew 18:14 The Will of God by Pastor Leslie D. Weatherhead   1. The intentional will of God.   2. The circumstantial will of God.   3. The ultimate will of God. Part of the confusion about God’s w …

When the Vision Appears to Die
September 12, 2021

When the Vision Appears to Die Three Stories & Three Lessons Pastor Terry Wilcox Three Stories About Vision God gives Abram a radical vision Genesis 12:1-4 900 people awarded Nobel Prize  · 22% to Jewish people  · .2% of population Abram at 100 years of age fathered a son by Sarah God gave Josep …

Finding Faith | Keeping Faith
August 15, 2021

Finding Faith | Keeping Faith Hebrews 11:6 Pastor Terry Wilcox     Faith is essential, so where do we get it? Faith is a gift from God. Ephesians 2:8-9 That part is easy, but…. Faith is a decision. John 3:36 – This is an act of the will. Faith must be encouraged. Romans 1:12 Hebrews 10:2 …

What We Learn About Angels (Part 2)
August 8, 2021

What We Learn About Angels (Part 2) Revelation 12:7-12 Pastor Terry Wilcox Angels remind us that there is another world. “Everything scripture says about angels is in connection to something else as the main theme. There are no pages or passages whose central purpose is to spell out a doctrine of an …

What We Learn From Angels (Part 1)
August 1, 2021

What We Learn From Angels (Part 1) Revelation 1:3 Pastor Terry Wilcox Angels are not our personal servants or lucky leprechauns.   LAST WEEK WE LEARNED: (Revelation 5:1-14) Angels deliver God’s messages. Angels protect God’s people. Angels direct worship. Angels collect our prayers. TODAY: Ange …

What Do Angels Do?
July 25, 2021

What Do Angels Do? Revelation 5:1-14 Pastor Terry Wilcox A Gallup poll reported more than half the adults in America and three-fourths of teens believe angels exist. Revelation 5:1-14 WHAT DO THE ANGELS DO? Angels are God’s messengers. Luke 1:26-28 Judges 6:11-12 Angels protect people. Psalm 34:7 II …

Why Keep Asking?
July 18, 2021

Why Keep Asking? Luke 18:1-8 Pastor Terry Wilcox Jesus clearly states his purpose for the story. (Luke 18:1) TWO CHARACTERS A corrupt judge. He was not Jewish. Luke 18:2 Luke 18:5 A widow. The Pharisee’s daily prayer indicates the plight of women in the first century. Luke 18:3 – She is persistent. …

Who We Pray For and Why
July 11, 2021

Who We Pray For and Why Exodus 17:8-16 Pastor Terry Wilcox When asked, “What is more important: Prayer or Reading the Bible?” I ask, “What is more important: Breathing in or Breathing out?” – Charles Spurgeon PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS  Moses needed Joshua and Joshua needed Moses. Exodus 17:9-10      Mose …

The Glorious Freedom of God’s Children
July 4, 2021

The Glorious Freedom of God’s Children Romans 8:18-25 Pastor Terry Wilcox Americans have spent their lives, blood, and treasure here and abroad helping those who fight for their freedom. True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else. The general principles on which the fath …

What’s A Dad To Do?
June 20, 2021

What’s A Dad To Do? Luke 15:11-24 Pastor Terry Wilcox   What we can learn in these challenging times about fathers in the Bible: Three Responsibilities of a Dad Provision for the family = physical. Protection for the family = emotional. Prayer for the family = spiritual Older, wiser, experience …

What We Need to Know About Communion
June 13, 2021

What We Need to Know About Communion I Corinthians 11:23-29 Pastor Terry Wilcox     The Passion Translation: 23 I have handed down to you what came to me by direct revelation from the Lord himself. The same night in which he was handed over, he took bread 24 and gave thanks. Then he distri …

Joy! And How to Get It
May 30, 2021

Joy! And How to Get It Nehemiah 12:27-47 Pastor Terry Wilcox The “celebrate joyfully” of verse 27 from the Hebrew is for gaiety, mirth, pleasure, and delight. When the Alexa on my desk said, “Happy Friday, Terry,” I almost said, “Thank you!” Observations: Their focus was on God.  Nehemiah 12:27 If y …

Jesus’ Commission To Us
May 23, 2021

Jesus’ Commission To Us Matthew 28:16-20 Pastor Terry Wilcox   16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth ha …

Where Does Hope Come From?
May 2, 2021

Where Does Hope Come From? I Corinthians 13:13 Romans 15:13 Pastor Terry Wilcox BIBLICAL HOPE THE SOURCE OF BIBLICAL HOPE IS GOD Romans 4:17-18 If Abraham’s hope was “possible,” it would not have been “supernatural.” Hope is a divine desire with patient anticipation and expectation that what God has …

An Overcoming Faith
April 25, 2021

An Overcoming Faith Hebrews 11:24-27 Pastor Charles Kirby In the Scripture before us today, Moses is going to teach us how to be an exciting Christian rather than a doubting Christian.    THE RICHES MOSES REFUSED – Hebrews 11:24 The Worldly Position The most important thing is to find out what …

Finding Depth In A Shallow World
April 18, 2021

Finding Depth In A Shallow World Psalm 131 Pastor Terry Wilcox Superficiality is the curse of our age.  The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual problem.  The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.  The classi …

Is Christianity the Harder or Easier Way?
April 11, 2021

Is Christianity the Harder or Easier Way? Psalm 128 Pastor Terry Wilcox “A song of ascents” NIV “A song of the stairway” TPT “Pilgrim songs” Beacon Commentary Psalm 128:1-6 Blessed means wellness, wholeness, sense of completing God’s purpose.  Here it is the plural denoting a sense of fullness. The …

Resurrection Power and You
April 4, 2021

Resurrection Power and You Matthew 28:1-10 Romans 8:11 Pastor Terry Wilcox The Resurrection of Jesus is the bedrock of Christianity! It appears to me that the spirits of fear and defeat are thriving today.  Both in the hearts and minds of individuals and in the psyche of our nation. Judges 7:2-3 The …

Learning From Jesus’ Celebration
March 28, 2021

Learning From Jesus’ Celebration Matthew 21:1-11 Pastor Terry Wilcox This was the only time in His ministry that Jesus actually planned and promoted a public demonstration.  Scripture Indicates Jesus: Acted deliberately and with evident intention. Acted with knowledge. Acted with authority. Two Reas …

God’s Work or Our Vanity
March 21, 2021

God’s Work or Our Vanity Psalm 127 Pastor Terry Wilcox One of the greatest tensions in Christian theology is the sovereign grace of God versus the freedom and responsibility of people.  “Pray like it all depends on God and work like it all depends on you.”  Clever, but unsatisfying and unbiblical. I …

Happy and Joyful People Remember The Past and The Future
March 7, 2021

Happy and Joyful People Remember The Past and The Future Psalm 126 Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 126:2 ESV Assyria took the Northern Kingdom of Israel into captivity in 721 B.C. and Babylon did the same to the Southern Kingdom 34 years later in 68 B.C. Christians on the road of faith traveling toward et …

Are You Secure?
February 28, 2021

Are You Secure? Psalm 125:1-2 Pastor Terry Wilcox In ancient days Jerusalem’s security was enhanced by the hills surrounding the city. In the same way, God surrounds those who trust him “both now and forevermore.”  Psalm 125:2  Psalm 139:5 Threats to our security:  Feelings of depression and doubts. …

Celebrating God’s Help
February 21, 2021

Celebrating God’s Help Psalm 124:1-5 Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 120 is about repentance. Psalm 121 is about trust. Psalm 122 is about people discovering the joy of worship. Psalm 123 is about the freedom we enjoy as God’s servants. Psalm 124 is affirmation that God helps the believer. Let’s look at P …

How Can A Servant Be Free?
February 14, 2021

How Can A Servant Be Free? Pastor Terry Wilcox     To you I lift up my eyes,     O you who are enthroned in the heavens! Behold, as the eyes of servants     look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maidservant     to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, …

Why We Go To Church
January 31, 2021

Why We Go To Church Pastor Terry Wilcox Psalm 122 demonstrates what people of faith always do: gather at a place to worship. Psalm 122 A song of ascents. Of David. 1 I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” 2 Our feet are standing in your gates, Jerusalem. 3 Jerusa …

Where Does Your Help Come From?
January 24, 2021

Where Does Your Help Come From? Psalm 121:1-8 Pastor Terry Wilcox   The Hebrew word for “help” is ezer, which pertains to protection, guidance, and blessing. Psalm 121 is the sequel to Psalm 120 which gets us started on the way of Christ through the gateway of repentance.     Two Comm …

How to Travel the Road of Faith
January 17, 2021

How to Travel the Road of Faith Pastor Terry Wilcox Everyone who travels the road of faith needs help. Psalm 12:8 Proverbs 15:23 Proverbs 15:30-31 Psalms 120 – 134 are called “songs of ascent” Isaiah 2:3 Isaiah 30:29   Psalm 120 I call on the Lord in my distress,     and he answers me. Save me, …

The Why and How of Servanthood
January 3, 2021

The Why and How of Servanthood John 13:14-17 John 1:40-42 Pastor Terry Wilcox Why Be A Servant? Jesus says you will be blessed. Real prosperity depends on servant leadership. Jesus was a servant and His Spirit is within you. Andrew’s ministry reveals these insights: The value of people. The great va …

What Can I Learn from Mary?
December 13, 2020

What Can I Learn from Mary? Luke 1:26-38 Pastor Terry Wilcox The physical miracle (actually, two) a.  A young virgin is pregnant b. The Word became flesh       John 1:1      John 1:14 The womb is a dark place,  hidden in the body. The Latin word for “word” is where we get our English word: sermon. R …

God Is Still Speaking. Are You Listening?
December 6, 2020

God Is Still Speaking. Are You Listening? Psalms 91:1-2 Pastor Jon Betz Psalms 91:14-16 Deuteronomy 5:1-2 Hebrews 12:18-19 Hebrews 12:22-23 Hebrews 12:28-29 Hebrews 1:1-2 Hebrews 2:1-4 Hebrews 3:7 Hebrews 3:15 Hebrews 4:1-2 Hebrews 4:12 Hebrews 4:16 Personal Notes

Why I Tithe
November 22, 2020

Why I Tithe Malachi 3:6-12 Pastor Terry Wilcox Because it’s a principle of God’s Word Genesis 14:20 Luke 11:42 Because of the promised blessings Malachi 3:10 Because of my leadership influence II Samuel 24:24 Because the bank of heaven pays the best dividends II Corinthians 9:6 Philippians 4:19 Beca …

How to Beat Worry
November 15, 2020

How to Beat Worry Proverbs 3:5-6 Luke 10:38-41 Pastor Terry Wilcox Metropolitan Life Insurance Company published a leaflet on fatigue that said, Hard work by itself seldom causes fatigue which cannot be cured by a good night’s sleep or rest.  Worry, tenseness, and emotional upsets are the three bigg …

A Prayer for Restoration Fellowship
November 8, 2020

A Prayer for Restoration Fellowship I Chronicles 4:9-10 Pastor Terry Wilcox   We adapted this prayer for RFC and ask that we all pray it daily through 2020: Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I ask you to bless Restoration Fellowship Church and to enlarge our ministry, that you would guide us and …

A Restoration Missed
November 1, 2020

A Restoration Missed John 13:21-30  Pastor Terry Wilcox Judas is Greek for the Hebrew word Judah, which means praise.  Today it is synonymous with traitor. Three Thoughts About Judas: He was not born a traitor.  Not even the devil was a devil from the beginning.  Judas decided to become a disciple a …

A Born Loser Becomes A Winner
October 25, 2020

A Born Loser Becomes A Winner I Chronicles 4:9-10 Pastor Terry Wilcox One Hebrew scholar proposed three reasons not to study Chronicles: Too long First nine chapters It is a rehash of Samuel and Kings However – two verses in chapter four have changed millions of lives.     Dr. Leslie Allen …

God’s Promise is Realized by Sharing
October 4, 2020

God’s Promise is Realized by Sharing Genesis 12:1-3, Luke 22:17-20, Luke 6:27-38 Pastor Terry Wilcox   God’s Covenant with Abraham was Two-fold: God being a blessing to Abraham. Abraham being a blessing to others.   The New Covenant: Luke 22:17-20 This is for us today. This covenant is for …

Christlike Praying
September 20, 2020

Christlike Praying Luke 9:23,   Jeremiah 33:3,   Psalms 55:16-17,  Psalms91:1 5:3 Pastor Jon Betz Why Pray? It is both God’s desire and design that we have a walking, talking relationship with Him.  Genesis 3:8 Psalms 91:1 How to Pray On Purpose  With Passion  James 5:16 In Purity Psalms 66:18 By Hi …

God Wants Us to Have Peace
September 13, 2020

God Wants Us to Have Peace Philippians 4:4-7    Matthew 6:25-34  Pastor Terry Wilcox Our Part of the Partnership  Always rejoice – Philippians 4:4 Pray about everything – Philippians 4:6 Be thankful – Colossians 3:15-17 Thankfulness implies: Perspective Maturity Submission – Philippians 4:7 Two Kind …

How to Access God’s Promises
August 30, 2020

How to Access God’s Promises John 1:12     Deuteronomy 29:10-29  Pastor Terry Wilcox Sad is the day for any man when he becomes absolutely satisfied with the life that he is leading. the thoughts that he is thinking, and the deeds he is doing.  Then there ceases to be a desire to do something greate …

Jesus Guarantees God’s Promises
August 23, 2020

Jesus Guarantees God’s Promises II Corinthians 1:15-22 Pastor Terry Wilcox   Have you ever broken a promise, or had one made to you broken? Because I was confident of this, I wanted to visit you first so that you might benefit twice. I wanted to visit you on my way to Macedonia and to come back …

Life Is God’s Sacred Gift
August 9, 2020
This is the speaker

Life Is God’s Sacred Gift Jeremiah 1:4-6 Pastor Terry Wilcox Summary of Early Church Theologians Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion. -The Didache 2:2 (ca 120 A.D.) The Way of Death is filled with people who are… murderers of children and abortionists of God’s creatures. -The Didache 5:1-2 ( …

How To Be a Servant of Jesus
August 2, 2020

How To Be a Servant of Jesus John 1:41-42 Pastor Terry Wilcox Servanthood is a commitment to use our gifts in the ministry of Christ’s church. Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother …

To God Alone Be the Glory
July 26, 2020

To God Alone Be the Glory Romans 11:36 Pastor Terry Wilcox   The Reformation came about mainly due to a dispute with the Roman Catholic Church regarding how people are justified before God. We are spiritually dead and legally guilty. Jesus Christ alone is the sacrifice that paid our sin debt. T …

God’s Heart For Restoration
July 12, 2020

God’s Heart For Restoration Luke 15:1-32 Pastor Terry Wilcox Luke 15:1-2 – Religious people were stressed that Jesus: Luke 15:3-7 – The Lost Sheep The effort begins with God. The shepherd’s priority was the lost one. Restoration is the reason for the celebration. Luke 15:8-10 – The Lost Coin Living …

What Is a Christian in America to Do?
July 5, 2020
Pastor Terry Wilcox

What Is a Christian in America to Do? Mark 12:13-17 Pastor Terry Wilcox “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure …

Purity of Purpose Produces Clarity
May 24, 2020

Purity of Purpose Produces Clarity from “Jesus’ Attitudes of Happiness” Series Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” A nationwide survey by Psychology Today asked, “What would it take to make you happy?” Most attempts to find happiness are through external situations ra …

Mercy Begets Mercy
May 17, 2020

Mercy Begets Mercy from “Jesus’ Attitudes of Happiness” Series “There is with every soul a thirst for happiness and meaning.” -Thomas Aquinas Happiness is the byproduct of Christ-like character. “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5) 3 General Lessons of the 8 …

What Makes You Hungry or Thirsty?
May 10, 2020

What Makes You Hungry or Thirsty? from “Jesus’ Attitudes of Happiness” Series Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall inherit the earth.” (NIV) “How blessed are those who hunger and thirst to see right prevail; they shall be satisfied.” (NEB) “God bless …

Is Meekness Weakness?
May 3, 2020

Is Meekness Weakness? from “Jesus’ Attitudes of Happiness” Series Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (NIV) “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be boug …

Where’s the Happiness in Mourning?
April 26, 2020

Where’s the Happiness in Mourning? from “Jesus’ Attitudes of Happiness” Series Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” There are three parts in each “Be Happy Attitude”: The Promise of blessedness. The Key to discovery and experience. The Result in our lives today. The …

What is Blessed About Being Poor?
April 19, 2020
Pastor Terry Wilcox

What Is Blessed About Being Poor? from “Jesus’ Attitudes of Happiness” Series Matthew 5:1-3 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them. He said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” …

The Resurrection: God’s Preview For Your Future
April 12, 2020
Pastor Terry Wilcox

1 Corinthians 15:50-57 In AD 125, a Greek named Aristides wrote to a friend about Christianity, explaining why this “new religion” was so successful: “If any righteous man among the Christians passes from this world, they rejoice and offer thanks to God, and they escort his body with songs and thank …

Some Things We Won’t Know For Awhile
April 5, 2020
Pastor Terry Wilcox

John 12:12-16 Even though we don’t yet know, we can have peace. John 6:53-60, 66 They called this a “hard teaching.” Why? John 15:5, 9 Jesus’ message was consistent in both metaphors: John 15: He is like a vine, providing life blood to the connected branches. John 6: His body is the bread of life. H …

Jesus Heals Everyone
June 9, 2019

Review This series is an extension of our study on spiritual parenting and discipleship. Spiritual parenting and discipleship are a return to a focus on the original royal decree: be fruitful and multiply. In sum, God wants kids, lots of them. One of the things that distinguishes humans from other c …

Main Street Jesus
May 6, 2019

This sermon is about the love that Jesus has for everyone, whether the poor or the rich. It doesn't matter at all. We can enter in other text that would go here if you want. If you leave this blank, the first few sentences of your outline will show here.

Writer of Proverbs
April 16, 2019

Introduction It was the writer of Proverbs that said it so well, (Slide) “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12. Maybe you have experienced that. Maybe At School- When is this semester ever going to end?   Or on a Trip- Are we there yet? Kids and …

This Should Be Invisibles
June 1, 2019
John Smith

This is a sermon about Jesus and his disciples getting into a ship and going to the other side. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.